Checking data...OK
Platform: LG Qualcomm
Selected port: COM54
Selected model: H815
Reading info...
Model ID: LG-H811
Android version: 6.0
Battery level: 53%
Mode: Normal
Firmware compiled date: Nov 09 2015
Firmware compiled time: 12:00:00
Firmware released date: Sep 13 2016
Firmware released time: 16:59:45
SW Version: MPSS.BO.2.5.c3-00109-M8992FAAAANAZM-1
Reading QCN...
Send SPC...OK
Reading Mobile Property...OK
Reading Feature Mask...OK
Reading Roaming List 0...OK
Reading NV_Numbered Items...OK
Reading NV_Numbered SIM1 Items...OK
Reading NV_Numbered SIM2 Items...OK
Reading NV Items...OK
Reading EFS...OK
Reading Provisioning Items...OK
Reading QCN done!
Backup saved to "H815_3591XXXXXXXXXXXXXX_10-01-2019_10-31-26.qcn"
Do you want to create security backup?
Writing security area...OK
Rebooting phone...
Trying to enable Diagnostics ports...Failed!
Trying to enable Diagnostics ports...
Initializing ADB...OK
Waiting for phone...
Please, reconnect phone, enable USB debugging, and try again.
To enable USB debugging, please perform the following steps:
1. Disconnect cable
2. Install LG Android ADB drivers
3. Go to "Settings" -> "About phone" -> "Software information"
4. Click on Build number 5 times
5. Enable "Settings" -> "Developer options" -> "USB debugging" option
6. Connect the cable and check, whether ADB interface has appeared in
PC Device Manager.
Please perform the following steps:
1. Disconnect cable
2. Put phone into Normal mode manually
3. Press "Ok" button
Trying to enable Diagnostics ports...Failed!
Trying to enable Diagnostics ports...
Initializing ADB...OK
Waiting for phone...
Please, reconnect phone, enable USB debugging, and try again.
To enable USB debugging, please perform the following steps:
1. Disconnect cable
2. Install LG Android ADB drivers
3. Go to "Settings" -> "About phone" -> "Software information"
4. Click on Build number 5 times
5. Enable "Settings" -> "Developer options" -> "USB debugging" option
6. Connect the cable and check, whether ADB interface has appeared in
PC Device Manager.OK
Diagnostics ports are enbled!
Switching to Serial Port...
Found model LGH811AT: ÿd at port COM54
Phone successfully unlocked!
Rebooting phone...
Performed by 2.9.2 Software version.
Checking data...OK
Platform: LG Qualcomm
Selected port: COM54
Selected model: H815
Reading info...
Model ID: LG-H811
Android version: 6.0
Battery level: 53%
Mode: Normal
Firmware compiled date: Nov 09 2015
Firmware compiled time: 12:00:00
Firmware released date: Sep 13 2016
Firmware released time: 16:59:45
SW Version: MPSS.BO.2.5.c3-00109-M8992FAAAANAZM-1
Reading QCN...
Send SPC...OK
Reading Mobile Property...OK
Reading Feature Mask...OK
Reading Roaming List 0...OK
Reading NV_Numbered Items...OK
Reading NV_Numbered SIM1 Items...OK
Reading NV_Numbered SIM2 Items...OK
Reading NV Items...OK
Reading EFS...OK
Reading Provisioning Items...OK
Reading QCN done!
Backup saved to "H815_3591XXXXXXXXXXXXXX_10-01-2019_10-31-26.qcn"
Do you want to create security backup?
Writing security area...OK
Rebooting phone...
Trying to enable Diagnostics ports...Failed!
Trying to enable Diagnostics ports...
Initializing ADB...OK
Waiting for phone...
Please, reconnect phone, enable USB debugging, and try again.
To enable USB debugging, please perform the following steps:
1. Disconnect cable
2. Install LG Android ADB drivers
3. Go to "Settings" -> "About phone" -> "Software information"
4. Click on Build number 5 times
5. Enable "Settings" -> "Developer options" -> "USB debugging" option
6. Connect the cable and check, whether ADB interface has appeared in
PC Device Manager.
Please perform the following steps:
1. Disconnect cable
2. Put phone into Normal mode manually
3. Press "Ok" button
Trying to enable Diagnostics ports...Failed!
Trying to enable Diagnostics ports...
Initializing ADB...OK
Waiting for phone...
Please, reconnect phone, enable USB debugging, and try again.
To enable USB debugging, please perform the following steps:
1. Disconnect cable
2. Install LG Android ADB drivers
3. Go to "Settings" -> "About phone" -> "Software information"
4. Click on Build number 5 times
5. Enable "Settings" -> "Developer options" -> "USB debugging" option
6. Connect the cable and check, whether ADB interface has appeared in
PC Device Manager.OK
Diagnostics ports are enbled!
Switching to Serial Port...
Found model LGH811AT: ÿd at port COM54
Phone successfully unlocked!
Rebooting phone...
Performed by 2.9.2 Software version.
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